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Thursday, January 19, 2012

You can’t love your parents enough.

It takes a lot of courage to reminisce the childhood days in slow motion, in sepia tone. We hold most of the moments so close to our hearts that a lively whisk to the blob of memories proves to arrhythmia-inducing mechanism. Don’t you get stirred up when you remember the days of hand-cooked, warm and delicious meals, served always on time and in abundance?

Our parents used to say a lot of clichéd sentences and most of us, if not everyone, used to know the next sentence in offering in the times of a tumult. For a bad academic performance, we used to be told that if you study hard you will make a career, and if you spoil your time playing in the fields, you will get nothing in return. Many of us were forbidden to eat curd at night as it is supposedly a cough inducing agent, but that didn’t stop us from secretly relishing on Bhalla-Papri before supper. You attempt to gulp down water just after you ate peanuts and you were sure to be fired a spree of clichéd advices. Those days I thought a cliché to be an avoidable sin in any communication, and I never paid any heed to the repeated advices as I used to believe Science more. I was wrong; its sometimes OK to be over sensitive for your kids once you attain parenthood. Parents stop living for themselves once they step into parenthood; its all about sacrifice which comes in naturally. Many of us kept our noses to the grindstone to keep our parents’ faces glowing with self-assured happiness. And yes, many of us got back on the horse that bucked them even though the parents were always there to share our sorrows and to help us get back on our feet.

It is important to be insightful with the kids. When you see your little daughter arranging to get her doll married, you see a little part of yourself in her. When you see your little son cuddling with you German Shepherd, you get caught in an amazing array of emotions. The little bit of God gets activated in ourselves the day we become parents. Parenthood is beyond descriptions.

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