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Thursday, May 31, 2012

20 ways to make world a better place

  1. Tip generously.
  2. Don’t speak to anyone in a derogatory tone.
  3. Go out of your way to make new friends and colleagues.
  4. Hold the door open for the person coming behind you.
  5. Don’t throw away your old clothes and household items; for someone, they are as good as the new ones.
  6. Listen absorbedly to people’s stories without trying to interrupt too often.
  7. Write a positive review about a service, an article, a local business you like.
  8. Register yourself for blood donation camps; when blood is required by a patient, nothing else can do better.
  9. Share your umbrella with a stranger on a rainy day; and if it’s a group of strangers’, give the umbrella to them and come home soaked in rains.
  10. Crack the ice with someone who looks forlorn.
  11. Let someone with only a handful of items cut you in line at the billing counter at a mall.
  12. Try your best to cheer the spirits the first thing you step in your workplace; it may be accomplished by a joke, a compliment or spread of good news.
  13. Help a stranger who finds it difficult to park his/her car in a crowded parking lot.
  14. Make pen friends / e mail friends.
  15. Learn about different cultures; the more you know, the better you get equipped with a wonderful thought-process.
  16. Compliment a little kid who performed for the first time on the school play.
  17. Donate regularly. Make it a never-ending habit.
  18. Interact with your friends; it’s not important that your facebook friend list swells to 1000, however, it is important that even if it is a small bunch of buddies, you keep in touch by messages / phone calls and get-togethers.
  19. Express your love. Let it be to your spouse, your parents, your boss, your siblings, your friends, your philosophy, your pet… anything!!
  20. Become a mentor to someone who is shy to ask you.

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