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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Potential Power of Prayer

I believe that the authority of prayer is first felt by the realization of what a prayer is all about. Prayer has power and it forms the sacred cord between us and God. It's a sense of God's assent in our dominions. People have different thoughts about possibilities that a prayer beholds. To some of us, prayers stimulate our own belief-cells and by virtue of positive thought process, we accomplish what we had been praying for. To some of us, prayers activate positively skewed energy chakras of Nature and help making us and our wishes in rhythm. To some of us, prayer is an outlet to communicate our feelings with God, and he blesses us just like a parent would do. Whether prayer is the astrophysical entity or a soliloquy, I can’t say with certainty; however, I have realized that a prayer has a lot to do with our own energy fields and power of belief.

I believe that we experience the stellar power of God when our wishes start getting fulfilled. We realize that God has been reaching out for us all along and the realization of establishment of bimodal dialogue is one of those priceless feelings one never forgets. Apostle Paul wrote to the people of Ephesus about God's yearning for us in a quite exquisite way "that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of people, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles." In prayer, the essence of our hearts and minds are streamlined to stir the super conscious and in this effort we also stimulate our own subconscious mind; the forces, in unison, make the most of the miracles. Prayer has such transforming power that it is said ‘Courage is fear that has said its prayers’! And along the same lines it is also said that the function of prayer is not to persuade God, but rather to change the nature of the person who prays.

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